
Frycook is a system for installing and maintaining software on Linux computers. It consists of a framework to build systems with and a program you run to apply the things you built with the framework to your computers.

At the highest level Frycook depends on recipes and cookbooks to define how systems are built. Recipes and cookbooks in turn use settings, environments, and packages to do their work. The settings and environments are passed around within the framework as json-translatable dictionaries. Packages live on disk as directories and files.

Settings and environments exist as json-like dictionaries because they are easy to turn into json files, and then read back from them, and because most templating engines expect dictionaries to be passed to them in order to render their contents. This means that these dictionaries map nicely to both the storage and rendering functions and keep frycook simple.

Recipes and cookbooks are python code that get executed when building and updating servers. Each recipe and cookbook lives in its own file.


Before you can do anything with frycook, you’ll need to install its python package from pypi. I usually create a virtualenv to run it in, but it can also be installed globally:

$ pip install frycook


All the user-generated files necessary for frycook to function are usually arranged in a directory structure that I call a globule. The rest of these instructions will walk you through this globule and explain all the pieces and how they work together.

Here’s an example globule:

sample                     # root directory
  packages                 # directory for the package files
    example_com            # root for example_com package files
      etc                  # corresponds to /etc on the target server
        nginx              # corresponds to /etc/nginx on the target server
          sites-available  # corresponds to /etc/nginx/sites-available on the target server
      # corresponds to /etc/nginx/sites-available/ on the target server
    hosts                  # root for hosts package files
      etc                  # corresponds to /etc on the target server
        hostname.tmplt     # template that becomes /etc/hostname on the target server
        hosts.tmplt        # template that becomes /etc/hosts on the target server
    nginx                  # root for nginx package files
      etc                  # corresponds to /etc directory on the target server
        default            # corresponds to /etc/default directory on the target server
          nginx            # corresponds to /etc/default/nginx file on the target server
        nginx              # corresponds to /etc/nginx directory on target server
          nginx.conf       # corresponds to /etc/nginx/nginx.conf file on target server
          sites-available  # corresponds to /etc/nginx/sites-available directory on target server
            default        # corresponds to /etc/nginx/sites-available/default directory on target server
            fck_delete.txt # lists files to delete from /etc/nginx/sites-available on target server
      srv                  # corresponds to /srv directory on the target server
        www                # corresponds to /srv/www directory on the target server
          50x.html         # corresponds to /srv/www/50x.html file on target server
          index.html       # corresponds to /srv/www/index.html file on target server
    postfix                # root for postfix package files
      etc                  # corresponds to /etc directory on the target server
        aliases            # corresponds to /etc/aliases directory on the target server
        mailname.tmplt     # template that becomes /etc/mailname on the target server
        postfix            # corresponds to /etc/postfix directory on the target server
    # template that becomes /etc/postfix/ on the target server
    shorewall              # root for shorewall package files
      etc                  # corresponds to /etc directory on the target server
        default            # corresponds to /etc/default directory on the target server
          shorewall        # corresponds to /etc/default/shorewall directory on the target server
        shorewall          # corresponds to /etc/shorewall directory on the target server
          interfaces.tmplt # template that becomes /etc/shorewall/interfaces on the target server
    ssh                    # root for ssh package files
      etc                  # corresponds to /etc directory on the target server
        ssh                # corresponds to /etc/ssh directory on the target server
          sshd_config      # corresponds to /etc/ssh/sshd_config directory on the target server
  setup                    # directory for non-package files
    comp_dev.json          # included environment file for computer named dev
    environment.json       # environment file
    requirements.txt       # python pip requirements file              # wrapper for that sets PYTHONPATH
    settings.json          # settings file
    cookbooks              # directory to hold the cookbooks package          # define the cookbook list here and import all cookbook classes              # cookbook referencing all the recipes for a base server setup               # cookbook for make a base server into a web server
    recipes                # directory to hold the recipes package          # define the recipe list here and import all recipe classes       # recipe for setting up on a web server          # recipe for setting up fail2ban             # recipe for setting up the /etc/hosts file             # recipe for setting up nginx           # recipe for setting up postfix         # recipe for setting the root user's authorized_keys file         # recipe for setting up shorewall               # recipe for setting up ssh


Recipes define subsystems that are distinct parts of larger systems. They are the basic units of setup in frycook. Generally a recipe corresponds to an os-level package that needs to be installed or configured.

example recipe

This example sets up the hosts file on a computer:

import cuisine

from frycook import Recipe

class RecipeHosts(Recipe):
    def apply(self, computer):
        group = self.environment["computers"][computer]["host_group"]
        computers = self.environment["groups"][group]["computers"]
        sibs = [comp for comp in computers if comp != computer]
        tmp_env = {"host": computer,
                   "sibs": sibs,
                   "computers": self.environment["computers"]}
        self.push_package_file_set('hosts', computer, tmp_env)

        cuisine.sudo("service hostname restart")

recipe list

There should be a recipe list in the file for the packge. This lists all the avilable recipes that cookbooks and can reference.

Here’s the sample file:

from fail2ban import RecipeFail2ban
from hosts import RecipeHosts
from nginx import RecipeNginx
from postfix import RecipePostfix
from root_user import RecipeRootUser
from example_com import RecipeExampleCom
from shorewall import RecipeShorewall
from ssh import RecipeSSH

recipes = {
    'fail2ban': RecipeFail2ban,
    'hosts': RecipeHosts,
    'nginx': RecipeNginx,
    'postfix': RecipePostfix,
    'root_user': RecipeRootUser,
    'example_com': RecipeExampleCom,
    'shorewall': RecipeShorewall,
    'ssh': RecipeSSH


One thing to keep in mind when creating recipes and cookbooks is idempotency. By keeping idempotency in mind in general you can create recipes that you can run again and again to push out minor changes to a package. This way your recipes become the only way that you modify your servers and can be a single chokepoint that you can monitor to make sure things happen properly.

Lots of the cuisine functions you’ll use have an “ensure” version that first checks to see if a condition is true before applying it, such as checking if a package is installed before trying to install it. This is nice when things could cause undesired configuration changes or expensive operations that you don’t want to happen every time. These functions are a huge aid in writing idempotent recipes and cookbooks.


Another thing to keep in mind is that some actions performed in recipes can affect the end users of the systems, in effect being rude to them. This might cause an outage or otherwise mess them up. The recipe class keeps track of whether or not this is ok in its ok_to_be_rude variable so you can know what actions are acceptable. Consult this before doing rude things.

file set copying

The Recipe class defines a few helper functions for handling templates and copying files to servers. This is the primary way that recipes interact with packages. They use the file set functions to copy the package files and directories to the target server, processing their contents in the process.

The routines run files with a .tmplt extension through Mako, using the environment dictionary you pass to it. Regular files just get copied. You can specify owner, group, and permissions on a per-directory and per-file basis using fck_metadata.txt files. You can also have files deleted from the target filesystem using fck_delete.txt files.

git repo checkouts

The Recipe class also defines some helper functions for working with git repos. You can checkout a git repo onto the remote machine, or check it out locally and copy it to the remote machine if you don’t want to setup the remote machine to be able to do checkouts.

apply process

Several things happen when you apply a recipe to a server. There are two class methods that get called during the apply process, and possibly two messages that get displayed. Generally you’ll just override the apply method and sometimes add pre_apply or post_apply messages. If you override pre_apply_checks, remember to call the base class method. Here’s the order that things happen in:

pre_apply_message -> pre_apply_checks() -> apply() -> post_apply_message


Cookbooks are ordered lists of recipes to apply to a server to create systems made up of subsystems.


from frycook import Cookbook

from recipes import RecipeHosts
from recipes import RecipeRootUser
from recipes import RecipeShorewall
from recipes import RecipeSSH
from recipes import RecipeFail2ban
from recipes import RecipePostfix

class CookbookBase(Cookbook):
    recipe_list = [RecipeRootUser,

There should be a cookbook list in the file for the cookbooks packge. This lists all the cookbooks available to the program.

Here’s the file for the sample cookbooks module:

from base import CookbookBase
from web import CookbookWeb

cookbooks = {
    'base': CookbookBase,
    'web': CookbookWeb

Packages Directory

The packages directory contains all the files needed by the recipes. There is one sub-directory per package, and each package generally corresponds to a recipe. Within each package the directories and files are laid out the exact same as they will be on the target systems. Any files with .tmplt extensions will be processed as mako templates before being copied out to computers. The fck_metadata.txt files define the ownership and permissions for the files and directories when they’re copied to the target system. The fck_delete.txt files list files that should be deleted in that directory on the target systems.

Here’s the packages directory layout from our sample globule:

packages                 # directory for the package files
  example_com            # root for example_com package files
    etc                  # corresponds to /etc on the target server
      nginx              # corresponds to /etc/nginx on the target server
        sites-available  # corresponds to /etc/nginx/sites-available on the target server
    # corresponds to /etc/nginx/sites-available/ on the target server
  hosts                  # root for hosts package files
    etc                  # corresponds to /etc on the target server
      hostname.tmplt     # template that becomes /etc/hostname on the target server
      hosts.tmplt        # template that becomes /etc/hosts on the target server
  nginx                  # root for nginx package files
    etc                  # corresponds to /etc directory on the target server
      default            # corresponds to /etc/default directory on the target server
        nginx            # corresponds to /etc/default/nginx file on the target server
      nginx              # corresponds to /etc/nginx directory on target server
        nginx.conf       # corresponds to /etc/nginx/nginx.conf file on target server
        sites-available  # corresponds to /etc/nginx/sites-available directory on target server
          default        # corresponds to /etc/nginx/sites-available/default directory on target server
          fck_delete.txt # lists files to delete from /etc/nginx/sites-available on target server
    srv                  # corresponds to /srv directory on the target server
      www                # corresponds to /srv/www directory on the target server
        50x.html         # corresponds to /srv/www/50x.html file on target server
        index.html       # corresponds to /srv/www/index.html file on target server
  postfix                # root for postfix package files
    etc                  # corresponds to /etc directory on the target server
      aliases            # corresponds to /etc/aliases directory on the target server
      mailname.tmplt     # template that becomes /etc/mailname on the target server
      postfix            # corresponds to /etc/postfix directory on the target server    # template that becomes /etc/postfix/ on the target server
  shorewall              # root for shorewall package files
    etc                  # corresponds to /etc directory on the target server
      default            # corresponds to /etc/default directory on the target server
        shorewall        # corresponds to /etc/default/shorewall directory on the target server
      shorewall          # corresponds to /etc/shorewall directory on the target server
        interfaces.tmplt # template that becomes /etc/shorewall/interfaces on the target server
  ssh                    # root for ssh package files
    etc                  # corresponds to /etc directory on the target server
      ssh                # corresponds to /etc/ssh directory on the target server
        sshd_config      # corresponds to /etc/ssh/sshd_config directory on the target server

template files

Template files have .tmplt extensions and are mako templates that are prcoessed into their final form before being copied out to the servers. They use the standard environment dictionary, plus any custom dictionary entries prepared by the recipe. Once processed, they are copied with their filenames having having the .tmplt extension removed.


hosts.tmplt in package -> hosts on server

fck_delete.txt files

fck_delete.txt files list other files that should be deleted from the targe directories, one filename per line. You would have a separate fck_delete.txt file in each directory that you want files deleted from. The fck_delete.txt file itself is not copied.

fck_metadata.txt files

fck_metadata.txt files list the ownership and permissions you can set on files in the directories, one line per file and/or directory. The fck_metadata.txt file itself is not copied.

regular files

Regular files are everything that’s not a template file, fck_delete.txt file, or fck_metadata.txt file. They are copied verbatim to the server with no processing.


There are a few settings that frycook depends on. They are read in from a JSON file called settings.json and are passed around as a dictionary to the constructors for Cookbooks and Recipes. The settings dicionary has the following keys:

"package_dir": root of the packages hierarchy for the file copying routines to look in

"file_ignores": regex pattern for filenames to ignore while copying package files

For any key containing the strings "dir" or "path", if you include a tilde ~ in the value, it will be replaced with the home directory of the user running frycooker.p, just like in bash. For this example, that would be the "package_dir" key.

Example settings.json file:

    "package_dir": "~/Dropbox/dev/frycook/sample/packages/",
    "file_ignores": ".*~"


Frycook depends on having detailed knowledge of the metadata needed by all the components when software is being setup on the computers. It is read in from a set of files into a single dictionary that is passed around to the parts of the frycook framework. The environment dictionary contains all the metadata about the computers and the environment they live in that, the recipes, and the cookbooks need to function. Most of its data is directly relevant to specific recipes and is filled in depending on the recipes’ needs. It’s a dictionary with three main sections that should always be there:

"users": a list of the users that recipes could reference, with such things as public ssh keys

"computers": a list of computers in the system, with such things as ip addresses

"groups": groups of computers that will be addressed as a unit

Just like for the settings dictionary, any key containing "dir" or "path" and including a tilde ~ in the value will have the tilde replaced with the home directory of the user running

Each computer in the "computers" section is also expected to have a "components" section listing all the cookbooks and recipes that that computer uses. This is used by to easily apply all relevant cookbooks and recipes to computers. It’s also a good way to keep track of what components make up that computer when it’s fully functional.

Each component in the list has a "type" key identifying if it’s a cookbook or a recipe, and a "name" key identifying the name of the cookbook or recipe.


    "computers": {
        "dev": {
            "components": [
                    "name": "base",
                    "type": "cookbook"
                    "name": "web",
                    "type": "cookbook"
            "domain_name": "fubu.example",
            "host_group": "dev",
            "private_ifaces": [
            "private_ips": {
                "": "dev"
            "public_ifaces": [
            "public_ips": {
                "": "dev.fubu.example",
                "": "dev.fubu.example"
    "groups": {
        "dev": {
            "computers": [
    "users": {
        "example_com": {
            "ssh_public_key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDYK8U9Isp+Ih+THCj2ohCo6nLY1R5Sn7oPzxM8ZBwH3ik/2EF3v0ibNezruja1I3OwF8W1QyWOdooIwTYJ8HXH9+Gyxcq/PseXbFWqg3k/lL50d5AawyRQZndOaNcFG6B8ULXJDksA6oQccXRzzxmnXpwGR8XEfSBCo2cdWDF1CXKvKXDZ4sqvGTVJIKshUAVbmfi4wH0LTtGIlV4IxslKUbfsErIU8kSyZNLLslq9XRvlqVK3iSabomKUY14MTbc3sefQzIctTtlmBpZw2mMBS49k4HYo1UwhUNiLbFBS7QhcivbJwFqGPj0N5pAx0oPUj1m96GGsqpiqu1eNp/yb jay@Jamess-MacBook-Air.local"
        "root": {
            "ssh_public_key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDYK8U9Isp+Ih+THCj2ohCo6nLY1R5Sn7oPzxM8ZBwH3ik/2EF3v0ibNezruja1I3OwF8W1QyWOdooIwTYJ8HXH9+Gyxcq/PseXbFWqg3k/lL50d5AawyRQZndOaNcFG6B8ULXJDksA6oQccXRzzxmnXpwGR8XEfSBCo2cdWDF1CXKvKXDZ4sqvGTVJIKshUAVbmfi4wH0LTtGIlV4IxslKUbfsErIU8kSyZNLLslq9XRvlqVK3iSabomKUY14MTbc3sefQzIctTtlmBpZw2mMBS49k4HYo1UwhUNiLbFBS7QhcivbJwFqGPj0N5pAx0oPUj1m96GGsqpiqu1eNp/yb jay@Jamess-MacBook-Air.local"

This dictionary is created by processing the environment JSON files. The main file is called environment.json, and it can have include directives that pull in additonal json files so that you can split up large environments into multiple files.


  "users": {
    "root": {
      "ssh_public_key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDYK8U9Isp+Ih+THCj2ohCo6nLY1R5Sn7oPzxM8ZBwH3ik/2EF3v0ibNezruja1I3OwF8W1QyWOdooIwTYJ8HXH9+Gyxcq/PseXbFWqg3k/lL50d5AawyRQZndOaNcFG6B8ULXJDksA6oQccXRzzxmnXpwGR8XEfSBCo2cdWDF1CXKvKXDZ4sqvGTVJIKshUAVbmfi4wH0LTtGIlV4IxslKUbfsErIU8kSyZNLLslq9XRvlqVK3iSabomKUY14MTbc3sefQzIctTtlmBpZw2mMBS49k4HYo1UwhUNiLbFBS7QhcivbJwFqGPj0N5pAx0oPUj1m96GGsqpiqu1eNp/yb jay@Jamess-MacBook-Air.local"
    "example_com": {
      "ssh_public_key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDYK8U9Isp+Ih+THCj2ohCo6nLY1R5Sn7oPzxM8ZBwH3ik/2EF3v0ibNezruja1I3OwF8W1QyWOdooIwTYJ8HXH9+Gyxcq/PseXbFWqg3k/lL50d5AawyRQZndOaNcFG6B8ULXJDksA6oQccXRzzxmnXpwGR8XEfSBCo2cdWDF1CXKvKXDZ4sqvGTVJIKshUAVbmfi4wH0LTtGIlV4IxslKUbfsErIU8kSyZNLLslq9XRvlqVK3iSabomKUY14MTbc3sefQzIctTtlmBpZw2mMBS49k4HYo1UwhUNiLbFBS7QhcivbJwFqGPj0N5pAx0oPUj1m96GGsqpiqu1eNp/yb jay@Jamess-MacBook-Air.local"

  "computers": {
    "imports": ["comp_dev.json"]

  "groups": {
    "dev" : {
      "computers": ["dev"]


  "dev": {
    "domain_name": "fubu.example",
    "host_group": "dev",
    "public_ifaces": ["eth0", "eth1"],
    "public_ips": {"": "dev.fubu.example",
                   "": "dev.fubu.example"},
    "private_ifaces": ["eth2"],
    "private_ips": {"": "dev"},
    "components": [{"type": "cookbook", "name": "base"},
                   {"type": "cookbook", "name": "web"}]
} is the program that takes all your carefully coded recipes and cookbooks and applies them to computers.

The recipes and cookbooks modules should be accessible via the PYTHONPATH so they can be imported. In the sample globule we ensure this with the wrapper script which sets up the python path, then invokes


export PYTHONPATH=. $*

recipes and cookbooks vs. apply

There are two ways to update computers. The first way is to specify recipes and cookbooks on the command line (using the ‘-r’ and ‘-c’ command-line options) and have those be applied to all the desired computers, in the order that they’re specified. This way is nice to use when you have specific, small changes to apply.

The second way to update a computer is to use the apply option in (‘-a’ command-line option). With this option looks at the "components" list in the environment for each specified computer to determine what recipes and cookbooks apply to each computer, then applies them. This way is nice to use when you just want to bring a computer into compliance with all of its components and don’t want to have to figure out which ones have changed and apply them individually. This is when the idempotence of your recipes comes in handy because it allows you to blindly update computers without worrying if the indicated changes have already been applied.

computers vs. groups

When choosing which computers to run frycook against, you have the option of giving a list of computers or of specifying a group and having run against all computers in that group. Groups are specified in the "groups" key in the environment json files. will use any combination of groups and computers that are specified on its command line. If there are identically named computers and groups, the computer will be selected instead of the group.


Messages are text string that are printed out to the end-user of either before or after a recipe or cookbook is run. agregates all message for the run and prints all the pre-apply messages before anything is run and all the post-apply messages after everything else has been run. If you’re curious as to what messages a run will print, you can tell it to just print the messages for you without applying any of the recipes or cookbooks.

dry run

You can do a dry run with to see what the final environment dictionary will look like and what all computers things will be applied to. This is especially nice when you have lots of import directives in your environment json files, or if you are applying things to a group of machines. This way you know how the environment imports are handled and which computers thinks are in the group.