Cookbooks are sets of recipes to apply to a server to create systems made up of subsystems.


class frycook.cookbook_template.Cookbook(settings, environment, ok_to_be_rude, no_prompt)[source]

The Cookbook class is the base class for all cookbooks to be created from. If you over-ride any of the built-in functions, be sure to call the base class functions so that all the good stuff still happens. You will probably not need to sub-class any of the base functions in your cookbooks, though. They will all be called by frycooker as necessary. All you need to do is to fill the class-level variable recipe_list with class objects for recipes that you want to run when applying the cookbook. The recipes will be applied in the order they’re defined in the list.


from frycook import Cookbook

from recipes import RecipeNginx
from recipes import RecipeExampleCom

class CookbookWeb(Cookbook):
    recipe_list = [RecipeNginx,

Run the apply functions for all the recipes defined in recipe_list. Override this if there’s something you need to do besides just running all the recipes. Be sure to call the base class if you override this.

Parameters:computer (string) – name of computer to apply recipe to

Run the post_apply_message functions for all the recipes defined in recipe_list. Override this if there are cookbook-level messages you would like to add. Be sure to call the base if you override this.


Run the pre_apply_message functions for all the recipes defined in recipe_list. Override this if there are cookbook-level messages you would like to add. Be sure to call the base if you override this.


Run the pre_apply_checks functions for all the recipes defined in recipe_list. Override this if there’s something you need to check above and beyond the recipe-level data. Be sure to call the base if you override this.

Parameters:computer (string) – name of computer to apply recipe checks to

Run the apply process for the computer. This is usually just called from frycooker.

Parameters:computer (string) – name of computer to apply recipe to

Run the handle_pre_apply_messages and handle_post_apply_messages functions for all the recipes defined in recipe_list. This is useful to display all the possible messages to the user without actually applying the cookbook. This is usually just called from frycooker.

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